We are a non-partisan coalition of nonprofits, educators, universities, research institutions, museums, and partners from many professions who believe that civic education has a vital role to play in the health of democracy and that everyone has a stake in the civic life of our communities, state, and nation. We are actively seeking new members, both from the education arena and beyond, to build the diversity of our membership and additional momentum for our mission.

Our Mission and Vision

Our mission is to ensure the health and integrity of democracy by building a community committed to offering all learners the knowledge, skills, and authentic experiences to engage thoughtfully and effectively in their communities, the state and the nation.

We envision a vibrant democracy that draws its strength from informed, motivated and engaged young people, and a broader community committed to meeting the challenges of this moment and the future.

Our Theory of Action

If we create broad-based support for comprehensive civic education in Massachusetts, we will build a system of policies, funding, and other long-term support for teaching and learning that will ensure the health of our democracy. We will do so by convening a diverse and dynamic group of organizations committed to building support for innovative legislation, funding, policies, and high quality and equitable learning opportunities for students, teachers, and the wider public. The civics of the 21st century offers all learners a solid academic foundation as well as hands-on opportunities to apply that learning. MCLC aims to make 21st century civics  a core component of every young person’s journey to prepare them to be thoughtful, informed, and active members of their communities locally and beyond. 

 MCLC Racial Equity Commitments

  • Center racial equity in civic learning and our annual goals.

  • Advocate for equitable distribution of funding and other resources supporting civic education.

  • Expand the engagement of civic organizations led by and serving BIPOC communities.

  • Share educational resources on diversity, equity, and inclusion from our MCLC members and other organizations. 

  • Promote education about civic participation, including voting rights and participation through voting as the foundation of our democratic process.

  • Highlight examples of educators and students whose civic engagement addresses issues of equity in their communities. 

Our Members