Grade 6   World Geography and Ancient Civilizations I

Grade 7   World Geography and Ancient Civilization II

Topic: World History

  • PBS Learning Media - a range of grades, videos and interactive lessons on topics in world and U.S. history

Topic: Current Global Issues

Topic: International Relations 

Topic: Migration

Topic: News and Media Literacy

  • New England First Amendment Coalition Experts and journalists available for classroom presentations.

  • News Literacy Project, provides tools to address misinformation about the current health crisis as well as free access to Checkology, an online platform to help students develop media literacy skills 

  • iCivics game - NewsFeed Defenders and Extension Pack lessons; take on the role of curating a social media site to learn media literacy 

  • Newsela provides current and differentiated content in multiple subject areas. Currently offering free access to all of their resources to individual teachers.

  • CNN 10 (formerly CNN Student News) - news of the day in 10 minutes

Multiple Topics/Instructional Strategies