Grade 3   Massachusetts, Home to Many Different People 

  • Discovering Justice  - Virtual Mock Trial Units In these virtual mock trial units for grades 1-5, students learn about the Judicial System and strengthen skills from across content areas (close reading, evidence based argumentation, speaking and listening etc.), and apply them as they engage in a mock trial.

  • Emerging America - History's Mysteries Historical Inquiry for Elementary Classrooms - Third grade includes Why do people celebrate the 4th of July? Why did Americans declare independence on July 4th, 1776? Why would a patriot refuse to celebrate the 4th of July?

Grade 4   North American Geography and Peoples

  • Discovering Justice - Virtual Mock Trial Units In these virtual mock trial units for grades 1-5, students learn about the Judicial System and strengthen skills from across content areas (close reading, evidence based argumentation, speaking and listening etc.), and apply them as they engage in a mock trial.

  • Emerging America - History's Mysteries Historical Inquiry for Elementary Classrooms - Fourth grade unit on water and the industrial history of Holyoke, MA asks What push and pull factors affected where Mr. William Skinner lived and worked? How does water affect people's choices about where to live and work? How did the city of Holyoke shape water to attract businesses? and Who were William Skinners workers?

Grade 5   United States History to the Civil War and the Modern Civil Rights Movement

Topic: American Revolution

  • Liberty's Kids -Youtube video series created by student reporters covering the events of the Revolutionary War

Topic: Local Government / Civic Participation

Topic: Immigration and Citizenship

  • iCivics game Immigration Nation and Extension Pack lessons, on immigration and citizenship; includes Spanish version and supports for English Language Learners

Topic: Civic Action / Civics Projects

  • iCivics game Activate and Extension Pack lessons, on civic action in the local community

  • iCivics WebQuest Who Represents Me?, investigate who represents you at the local, state and federal level; students conduct their own research using the questions, pre-vetted websites and guiding tools provided.

Topic: The Bill of Rights / Amendments to the Constitution

  • iCivics game Do I Have a Right? and Extension Pack lessons and other resources, on the Bill of Rights and other amendments

  • Discovering Justice - Virtual Mock Trial Units In these virtual mock trial units for grades 1-5, students learn about the Judicial System and strengthen skills from across content areas (close reading, evidence based argumentation, speaking and listening etc.), and apply them as they engage in a mock trial.

  • Emerging America - History's Mysteries Historical Inquiry for Elementary Classrooms - Fifth grade unit includes What is "Free Speech" and why does it matter? Does Free Speech mean I can say whatever I want? and What can I say in school?

Topic: Geography

Topic: News and Media Literacy

  • Newsomatic - free daily newspaper for kids, translated into Spanish and French, includes voiceover as well as writing and drawing activities

  • Newsela -provides current and differentiated content in multiple subject areas. Currently offering free access to all of their resources to individual teachers. 

Topic: Slavery, the Legacy of the Civil War, and the Struggle for Civil Rights for All

Multiple Topics/Instructional Strategies