Civic Learning Week
Marketing Toolkit
How to Promote Civic Learning Week:
Please direct your audiences to https://www.macivicsforall.org/clw2021 to register for events.
Encourage your audiences to follow @MACivicsForAll on Twitter and use #MACivicLearning to share the events on social media.
Download and share the Calendar of Events: CLW Library - Calendar of Events
Please note: the Massachusetts Civic Learning Coalition does not have a Facebook page. You can adapt the copy below for your organization’s Facebook pages.
Sample Social Media Posts to Share Civic Learning Week
From 4/26-4/30, K-12 educators, students, policymakers and their communities will celebrate the inaugural Massachusetts Civic Learning Week hosted by @MACivicsforAll with a series of 30+ events and activities! Find an event to attend here: https://www.macivicsforall.org/clw2021 #MACivicLearning
#MACivicLearning Week, hosted by @MACivicsforAll, is building support for civic learning in the Commonwealth and amplifying youth voice. {insert org name} is proud to be a part of the week. Join us at our event {insert event name and date} to {goal of event}: https://www.macivicsforall.org/clw2021
Do you support civic learning? Register to attend free programs and activities organized by members of @MACivicsforAll, in partnership with teachers and students from across the Commonwealth. Everyone is invited to attend and participate in #MACivicLearning Week,, 4/26-4/30: https://www.macivicsforall.org/clw2021
Are you an educator who cares about providing students access to a meaningful civics curriculum? Join the first #MACivicLearningWeek, hosted by @MACivicsforAll to connect with like-minded teachers, administrators, and legislators from across the Commonwealth.
Calling all youth development professionals that care about student voice in public policy! Join the first #MACivicLearningWeek, hosted by @MACivicsforAll to connect with like-minded advocates and students from across the Commonwealth.
(Sample Social Media Graphics)
Sample Email to Share Civic Learning Week
Subject Line: How will you celebrate Massachusetts Civic Learning Week?
Inaugural Massachusetts Civic Learning Week
APRIL 26-30, 2021
Massachusetts Civic Learning Week aims to build broader awareness of and support for civic learning; amplify and celebrate youth voice; and empower participants to envision themselves as changemakers in our democracy. Civic Learning Week builds on and contributes to the state’s efforts to improve civic education in Massachusetts.
The week’s 30+ programs, events, and activities are hosted and organized by the Massachusetts Civic Learning Coalition in partnership with teachers and students from across the Commonwealth. All events are free and will be hosted virtually. Everyone is invited to attend and participate in Civic Learning Week, including students, teachers, administrators, policymakers, parents, and the general public.
[insert customized copy about an event your organization is hosting or an event you’re excited about attending]
Join us to celebrate civic engagement, civic learning and civic leadership! A full list of events is available at: macivicsforall.org/clw2021
The Massachusetts Civic Learning Coalition is a non-partisan coalition of nonprofits, educators, think tanks, universities, and other partners committed to preparing all students to become more civically aware and involved. We exist to make Massachusetts the national leader in ensuring that civics is a core component of every young person’s educational journey. Learn more at www.macivicsforall.org.